NCF Christmas Eve Candlelight Worship Service - December 24, 2024

Dec 24, 2024    Pastor Bob Becker

Sermon Title: “Having A Shepherd’s Faith”

Sermon Text: Luke 2:8-20


Why did the angels first appear to shepherds and not to dignitaries and the wealthy when announcing Jesus’ birth? Shepherds were not held in high esteem and were not trained in the Scriptures. It is easy to forget that the Christmas message is Jesus is the Lord and Savior for people from every nation, ethnicity, educational background and economic class. We forget that shepherds know how to feed and care for their lambs. Jesus the Great Shepherd of the sheep knows how to feed His sheep and even dies for His sheep. The shepherds showed their sincerity and excitement in receiving the message of the Savior’s birth by not keeping such good news to themselves. They told everyone they came in contact with. Shouldn’t we do the same? The Savior born the first Christmas is still alive waiting to be invited into your heart/life as your Savior and Lord.

Meditation: Revelation 11:15

“Then the seventh angel blew his trumpet, and there were loud voices in heaven, saying, "The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ, and he shall reign forever and ever."

Call to Worship: Revelation 5:7-14