NCF Sunday Worship Livestream - July 28, 2024

Jul 28, 2024

Sermon Title: “An Unscheduled Revival” (Pastor Bob)


Are revivals scheduled? We may think so when seeing a church sign exclaiming, “Revival Services This Week.” What is revival? Is it a time of refreshing from the presence of the Lord? “Isn’t it when God causes the normal ministry of the gospel to surge forward with extraordinary spiritual power (Raymond Ortlund Jr.)?” How does any Christian or church maintain ongoing revival? They must be empowered by hope, marked by trust, inclusive of all those who believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. This is the way God’s people ought to be, but often are not. They are often led in churches by self-seeking leaders being made up of those who believe and those who only pretend to believe. God values a heart for Christ; for it defines spiritual authenticity. God’s covenant with us is marital in nature. His love is a jealous love. We commit spiritual adultery when we act as if God and His love is not enough for us. God dwells not just in a high and holy place but also in the hearts of the humble. Blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted. He opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.