NCF Sunday Worship Livestream - March 17, 2024

Mar 17, 2024    Pastor Bob Becker

Sermon Title: “Failure, Repentance, Salvation”


Sometimes we must first fail before we can see the light. We repent reluctantly because we have to admit to ourselves and to God that everything else we tried failed and returning to Him is our last alternative. Amazingly, God still receives us with open arms. When we admit our failure to God, He says, “Now, I will arise and save you!” It is then we see the power of His forgiving grace and experience the saving presence of our King. We learn it is God who needs to be feared and not the world. We learn when it comes to our salvation, God is our only hope and the only One who can work the impossible. He is the One who leads us back to our true home and we respond with joyful singing.