NCF Sunday Worship Livestream - March 19, 2023

Mar 19, 2023    Pastor Bob Becker

The Lord God loves the truth. Jesus makes that clear in this text. Jesus, however, knows it is difficult to attain the truth. Often people and nations only honor the truth when it serves their best interests. How many times have we read a newspaper, heard the news on TV, and asked, “Is that true?” Trust in the media to tell the truth has slipped to an all-time low. People get anxious when there is a shortage of food, fuel, and other needed supplies but what about when we do not know what is the truth? Jesus in this text is not saying oaths and vows are wrong but they should not be used to find a way to get out of doing what we promised. Our “yes” and “no” should be enough to give another person the assurance we will do what we promised. How rare that is in our day, but it should not be rare among Jesus’ disciples. Radical disciples of Jesus Christ are called to be radical truth tellers. If we are not, how can anyone be certain we are telling the truth when we share with them the Gospel?