NCF Sunday Worship Livestream - September 15, 2024

Sep 15, 2024    Pastor Bob Becker

Sermon Title: “Longing for God” (Pastor Bob)


How does revival in our lives and in the life of the church happen? It happens like Isaiah 64:1 says it happens. It happens when God comes down to us. His presence brings revival and the reality of it reaches every bone of our body. It happens when God shakes heaven and earth by His presence, like water coming to a boil, making His name known among His enemies, causing nations to tremble before Him. Revival happens when God changes His enemies into worshippers. Isaiah longs for God to do this; he prays for God to do it. He longs for the love of God, the presence of God, and the touch of God. Do we? He longs for God to descend upon the earth. Do we? Isaiah wants us to pray the same prayer he is praying. The Bible teaches us how to pray, what to pray, and to have confidence when we pray. The Bible tells us our God wants us to experience His presence in a powerful way so the revival of our hearts and life are complete.