Devoted To The Lord
Sermon Text: Joshua 6:1-27
Summary: Since the LORD is the one who wins our battles, all things must be devoted to him. Joshua seeks no military advice on how to defeat the people of Jericho. A military advisor might have told Joshua to build a siege ramp to take Jericho. Some others might have said seal up the city so no one can go in or out, so they surrender due to a lack of food. Joshua considers none of these because the commander of the Lord’s army already has told him what to do. It is all about marching, trumpets, and shouting. No military strategist would recommend these to win a battle. Yet by following the Lord’s instructions the walls of Jericho came tumbling down. It is by obedience to the Lord’s commands we see our enemies defeated. The NT says the strongholds of Satan are defeated by prayer, God’s Word and by our testimony. Who can stand against us if God is for us!