The Law's Purpose

Feb 23, 2025    Pastor Bob Becker

Sermon Title: “The Law’s Purpose”  (Pastor Bob)

Sermon Text: Joshua 8:30-35


In Deuteronomy 27-30, Moses declares the blessings received by following God’s Law and the curses received by disobeying it. Moses instructed the people to set up an altar on Mt. Ebal when they came into the Promised Land. They were to offer burnt offerings to the LORD. They were to write on the uncut stones of the altar all the words of the law of Moses. Joshua follows Moses’ instructions to the letter. According to Deut. 27:12-13, the blessings of the Law were to be read on Mt. Gerizim and the curses on Mt. Ebal. When Jesus encounters the Samaritan woman in John 4, she says they worship on Mt. Gerizim. Jesus says you worship what you do not know. Why? It is the same reason sacrifices are offered on Mt. Ebal. Jesus is countering the self-righteousness of the Samaritan and us. We cannot obey the Law. It just shows we are sinners and need Jesus' sacrifice to save us from our sins. Salvation is by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone. God’s grace comes not through the Law, but through Jesus Christ.