“Money, Money, Money!”

Oct 3, 2021    Pastor Bob Becker

Money, money, money! Some believe money is what makes the world go around. The Bible says the Lord is the giver of wealth. Wisdom is needed to know how to use it in a way that brings Him honor. Jesus says we should give much of our wealth to the poor. For those that are ruled by their wealth, He asked them to give it all away. Most Christians believe they do not have a problem worshipping money. How often do we wish we were rich? How often do we speak about needing money? How little do we give away? Jesus cares for us and He does make some of us wealthy in the world’s eyes. However, the only way to be wealthy in His eyes is to put honoring Him first and seeing wealth as a tool to help others. The wealth He gives us is to be used to promote the gospel in word and deed. Then through our wealth, He is glorified!