Sin’s Destruction, Grace’s Blessing

Feb 2, 2025    Pastor Bob Becker

Sermon Text: Joshua 7:1-8:29

Summary: Sin is destructive. We have all seen what devastation sin brings into our lives. How, however, does it happen? The same way it happened in Achan’s life. Achan was dissatisfied with the way God was ordering his life. He wasn’t sure if eating of the plenty of the land of Canaan was going to continue. Will we go back to eating manna? Wasn’t it dissatisfaction in God’s world that led to Satan’s rebellion against God? Dissatisfaction with what God has chosen to provide leads to coveting what is not ours. Achan’s dissatisfaction made him covet that which was devoted to the LORD. He then stole what was not his, leading to Israel’s defeat and some losing their lives. Sin is destructive. Yet, God is gracious when we repent of our sin. Weeping may be for a night, but joy comes in the morning. God never abandons His people!